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Inviato: 14/10/2005, 17:50
da DevilMaster
La notte dei morti viventi
di Tommaso Franci

Zombie, mostri da Halloween e altre creature inquietanti popolano le "notti" horror-punk dei Misfits di Glenn Danzig, una delle band che pi? ha scavato nelle tenebre dell'angoscia. Ma senza mai rinunciare all'autoironia...


Motorhead/Misfits + Black Sabbath = Metallica. Gi? questo basterebbe a riservare a questa band un posto d'onore nella storia del rock. Posto tanto pi? meritato grazie a un pugno di brani memorabili. I Misfits si formarono nel New Jersey anno Domini 1977 (tre anni solo dopo i newyorkesi Ramones): Arthur Googy drums, Doyle guitar, Jerry Only bass, Glenn Danzig vocals. Erano degli epigoni dei Ramones, cio? dei Rolling Stones (quando fondevano blues) o dei Beach Boys (quando fondevano la surf music, a sua volta derivata dalla fusione dei "gruppi vocali", con il rock'n'roll) passati in una fonderia; o spinti a 1000 watt. E il processo di fusione, come gi? per i Ramones, era quello a mezzo il martellare di Stooges, New York Dolls e Dictators. Facevano quello che poi si sarebbe chiamato "hardcore" (nato prima ma codificato dopo e come ritorno di fiamma del "rumore" inglese, cio? del punk) e che insieme a Germs e Circe Jerks "scoprirono", dopo che lo avevano inventato i Ramones (incompresi e inascoltati dall'America di Patti Smith e Television; esplosi, come "immigrati in casa", subito dopo l'esplosione del punk inglese che indirettamente avevano causato).


Il punk ? un fenomeno inglese; l'hardcore americano. Il punk ? la spoliazione da una canzone rock di tutte le componenti blues, melodiche, armoniche, tecniche e di arrangiamento e il portare ci? che rimane di questa radice agli estremi di depravazione sonora, vocale e concettuale. L'hardcore ? lo stesso; solo che compie lo stupro di questa radice rock con quello che poi verr? chiamato "heavy metal". Non a caso quest'ultimo genere nasce in America: dopo che in Inghilterra era nato il punk, tradotto nell'oltreoceano con hardcore; dopo che in Inghilterra era nato prima l'hardrock (Deep Purple) e poi il metal (Judas Priest, Motorhead, Iron Maiden).

Ci vollero 5 anni di urla sul palco (segnatamente quello del CGBG's), casse sfondate da brani fulminei, caotici e convulsi prima di giungere a un album che raccogliesse i feti di questi incesti sotterranei. E' il 1982 quando esce Walk Among Us (Rhino); dura 25 minuti, e sono senza respiro. Album generalmente considerato il migliore della band, risulta tuttavia penalizzato dalle pecche con le quali si ? formato: il materiale e il modo (soprattutto) di esecuzione di questo materiale sono anni '70.

L'album risulta (da un punto di vista fonico specialmente) un nato-morto; datato prima ancora di uscire.

D'altra parte nessuno pu? andare a dire ai Misfits qualcosa in merito al genere che hanno inventato; il problema, ciononostante ? che l'invenzione risaliva a quattro o cinque anni prima e che nel frattempo gli stessi inventori non l'hanno aggiornata, apparendo cos?, alla fatidica data dell'82, indietro e meno maturi dei suoi stessi figli, dell'hardcore di seconda generazione (Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Fear, Flipper) che nell'81 con Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Adolescents, Descendents e T.S.O.L. appariva gi? istituzionalizzatosi, rendendo (storicamente) quasi superfluo il voler ribadire da parte dei Misfits. "20 eyes" (1':46'') esplode subito in una cantilena rapidissima e ciclicamente autoreferenziale, che si ripete, ripete e ripete sino a dissolversi o sciogliersi in un sole accecante. "I turned into a martian" (1':43'') cambia ritmo e passo ma non intensit?: d? l'abbrivio a una delle tematiche pi? care al gruppo e poi pi? sfruttata dal genere: quella dell'alienazione infantilmente vista rappresentando il soggetto che ne ? afflitto proprio come un marziano. "All hell breaks loose" (1':47'') ? il primo capolavoro dell'album: ritornello mozzafiato, voce subliminalmente roca e pacatamente sgomenta, incedere beach/noir. "Vampira" (1':26'') muta ancora d'impianto: tematicamente mostra come i Misfits siano i Black Sabbath dell'hardcore; in effetto sonoro, lo stesso: nero, tenebre e notte finanche quando, a volte a sproposito (pur senza mai lasciar venir meno un certo afflato tragico), si autoindulge "mattacchionamente" a non prendersi sul serio. "Nike a go go" (2':16'') ad altri volumi potrebbe essere la "Arabian Knights" di Siouxsie and the Banshees. "Hatebreakers" (3':06) ? la sintesi del bene e male del bello e del brutto dei Misfits: sezione ritmica ossessiva, chitarra scudisciante, voce sgomenta e vissuta (ora dall'aldil?) poi, purtroppo, il coretto liceale sbrigativo e stupido che invita a smemorarsi di tutto (e per prima di quella tragicit?, quando ? lei la sola a nobilitare) scherzare su noi stessi. ? quest'ultima la componente pi? Ramones nei Misfits; quella componente goliardica e limitante che tuttavia ha fatto appassionare ai Ramones stessi milioni di persone. "Mommy can I go out & kill tonight", direttamente dalla platea di un fumoso concerto, dimostra quello che fosse in grado di fare Danzig in quelle stagioni e fa dei Misfits uno dei gruppi pi? coinvolgenti e grandi sul palco: come chi non ha paura di niente, ha perso tutto, e non gli rimane che giocarsi, in un ghigno autoflagellante, quest'ultimo niente. "Night of the living dead" (1':58'') merita il medesimo commento di "Hatebreeders" a cui per? ? inferiore. "Skulls" (2':00'') giunge come il secondo capolavoro dell'album: un'intonazione melodica con sottofondo caotico in una lievit? tragica a cui non rimarranno indifferenti n? i Pixies n? i Mudhoney; sprofonda l'animo. "Violent world" (1':46'') cambia e ricambia posa perdendosi un po' in se stessa: sar? tuttavia, nella dinamica, ripresa da migliaia di gruppi. "Devils whorehouse2 (1':45'') ? il terzo e ultimo capolavoro: sembra partire banale, poi giunge a una serie di ritornelli (scanditi da un metronomo che picchia in sottofondo) stile volo pindarico. "Astro zombies" (2'15'') pi? che per la forma (tuttavia ripresa pari pari dai Misfits collegiali anni '90) ? importante per i contenuti: il tema dello zombie, che oggi fa sorridere, si istituzionalizz? (nel cinema come nella musica o nel vestiario dark/halloween) con brani come questo. "Braineaters" (56'') ? una marziale cantilena da marinai in congedo senza scorza n? contenuti.

Earth A.D./ Woolfsblood (Plan, 1983) fonicamente e a livello di missaggio, ? ancora pi? menomato del precedente. Le composizioni, tuttavia, sono superiori. "Earth A.D.", se avesse trovato sfogo in una registrazione solamente media e non pessima (quel pessimo che tuttavia contribuisce a dare il fascino dell'oltretomba periferico alla musica dei Misfits), avrebbe potuto stare in "Kill'em all" dei Metallica. "Queen wasp" non ? da meno. "Devilock" parte direttamente heavymetal: la voce di Danzig sar? (nel suo fioco controllato) un punto di riferimento per Hefield. "Death comes ripping" sembra dentro un fustino del detersivo ma ? la briglia "tecnica" di cui dicevamo prima, che non elimina la violenza estrema ricercata a tutti i costi dal gruppo, che in ogni suo componente ricerca il massimo (di estremismo). "Green hell" ? una delle canzoni pi? importanti della musica rock. Nessuno, nemmeno i Sex Pistols, aveva fatto niente di tanto violento; assale senza tregue; non fa n? prigionieri n? feriti. ? un irresistibile salmo dell'autolesionismo. Quando ne rifaranno la cover i Metallica dovranno solo portarla e non aggiornarla (perch? lo ? gi?) al '97. "Wolfsblood" apre, tematicamente  e programmaticamente, la saga dei lupi mannari e delle profanazioni di cimiteri nelle notti di un'America pre (o post)-industriale: furente e senza compromessi nei toni e nei tempi. "Demonomania" detta il tempo (1000 all'ora) con cui i Misfit (e tanti adolescenti di allora) vivevano le avventure sepolcrali notturne: e la velocit?, naturalmente, al cervello, la danno le sostanze stupefacenti. "Bloodfast" ? un inno sgomento e penoso. "Hellhound", invece di risollevare, cala sempre di pi? nelle tenebre dell'angoscia, ma un'angoscia tutta oggettivata ed esteriore; e in cui non siamo noi a scendere all'inferno, ma questo ad affacciarsi, tramite zombie, sulla crosta terrestre. L'irruenza della modalit? in cui ci? avviene simula poi, lo strozzare di uno zombie sulla sua vittima di turno (che ? andata per di pi? a stuzzicarlo al cimitero); la voce di Danzig (a tratti un pre/topo-in-gola) simula questo soffocamento. "Die, die my darling" ? il manifesto universale dell'album e dei Misfits: nel tessuto melodico poteva essere un rock normale: nell'esecuzione Misfits diviene un rock/metal tanto sconvolto quanto coinvolgente l'ascoltatore, che non pu? far a meno di immedesimarvisi o prestargli un'attenzione esistenziale. Qui anche i cori si affrancano da ogni riduzionismo in una superiore unit? tragica. "We bite" chiude, a mille (in un pre-trash), come era iniziato, l'album.  

Dopo quest'album, Danzig se ne andr? dal gruppo e dar? vita a una lunga carriera solista all'insegna del rock-metal. Vanamente Jerry Only riformer? il gruppo con Michael Graves alla voce pubblicando American Psyco (Geffen, 1997) e Famous Monster (Roadrunner, 1999).



Inviato: 14/10/2005, 17:51
da DevilMaster

Grande Astro Zombies!!! Era una vita che non la sentivo! :)








Inviato: 14/10/2005, 17:53
da DevilMaster
Mars Attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!












Inviato: 14/10/2005, 17:56
da DevilMaster
I Misfits nascono nel gennaio 77 per merito di un ragazzo di Lodi nel New Jersey, tale Glenn Allen Anzalone che decide di mettere su un gruppo chiamandolo appunto Misfits, prendendo spunto dall'ultimo film di Marilyn Monroe.
Una specie di tributo all'attrice prematuramente scomparsa in circostanze misteriose.
Glenn si mette cos? alla ricerca di componenti per il suo progetto e a febbraio la band ? formata.
Glenn assume lo pseudonimo di Glenn Danzig e sar? il cantante del gruppo, Manny alla batteria, Jimmy Battle (amico di manny) chitarra e Diane DiPiaza al basso.
Tutto sembrerebbe andar bene se nn fosse che dopo poco Diane e Jimmy escono dalla band e al loro posto entra Jerry Caiafa al basso e per le parti di chitarra ci pensa Danzig con una pianola elettrica, ? con questa formazione che i Misfits tengono il loro primo concerto il 18 aprile del 77 al CBGB'S di NEw York.
Nell'agosto dello stesso anno la band crea una propria etichetta indipendente, la Blank Records, e registra 500 copie del primo singolo "Cough/Cool", dopo di che Jerry decise di adottare lo pseudonimo di Jerry Only.
Dopo poco i Misfits riescono a trovare un chitarrista un certo Frank Licata che viene poi soprannominato "Franc? Coma", il 20 settembre del 77 suonano il primo concerto con questa formazione.
In cambio dell'utilizzo del nome Blank Records per una label della Mercury i Misfits riescono ad avere 30 ore di registrazione gratis agli C.I Studios di New York ma poco prima di cominciare le registrazioni,(che avverranno poi a Gennaio 78), Manny decide di lasciare il gruppo.
Rimasti senza batterista decidono di prendere un certo Jimmy Catania, soprannominato poi Mr Jim e con questa formazione registrano i 17 brani (in 10 giorni) che sarebbero poi dovuto essere l'album "static Age che per? nn viene rilasciato.
Il nuovo nome della loro label sar? Plan 9 (un omaggio al film di ed wood "Plan 9 from outer space") ed ? proprio per plan 9 che, a giugno, esce "Bullrt" primo Ep della band.
Sulla copertina dell'Ep vi ? raffigurata la morte del presidente Kennedy e il nuovo ?logo della band, disegnato dallo stesso Danzig.
Ad ottobre 78 vi ? l'ennesimo cambio di lene up, Franch? Coma decide di lasciare il gruppo a Detroit e viene rimpiazzato per due concerti da Rick Riley.
Lo stesso mese urge dinuovo cercare un batterista, Mr Jim decide di lasciare il gruppo e Danzig mette un annuncio su un giornale, al quale risponde un ragazzo che dopo un audizione nel garage di Jerry verr? arruolato nel gruppo con lo pseudonomi di Joey Image.
Viene a far parte del gruppo anche Bobby, un chitarrista che cercava un gruppo, al quale viene dato il soprannome di Bobby Steele.
Con questa formazione il 3 dicembre 78 tengono un concerto e registrano (a gennaio del 79) i brani per il singolo "Horror Business".
Il 28 marzo 79 fa la sua prima comparsa su una locandina il Crimson Ghost e subito dopo il concerto avviene l'arresto di Bobby, aveva lanciato una bottiglia ad uno del pubblico.
A fine giugno vengono rilasciate le prime 25 copie di Horror Business ad un concerto con i Damned, lo stesso mese Jerry e Danzig passano una notte in cella per var buttato delle bottiglie dalla finestra dell'albergo.
Ad Halloween 79 escono le 2000 copie del singolo "Night of the living dead" e a fine novembre ,in corrispondenza del tour ingelese, ? prevista l'uscita di un nuovo EP che per? a 20 giorni dal tour nn ? ancora pronto.
Una volta in inghilterra per il tour coi Damned ,24 date in 28 giorni, dopo 2 giorni decidono di lasciar perdere (visto che non venivano retribuiti) cos? organizzano alcune date con i Clash.
Purtroppo per? Glenn viene nuovamente arrestato in seguito ad una rissa in un bar e Joy, stressato da questa situazione precaria, decide di abbandonare il gruppo lasciandolo senza batterista. Ai Misfits non resta altro da fare che annullare le date con i Clash.
Le vicissitudini giudiziarie di Glenn Danzig non finiscono qui perch? in dicembre lui e Bobby decidono di andare a vedere un concerto ma un gruppo di skinhead inizia una rissa con loro,Glenn per difendersi prende un pezzo di vetro e Bobby chiama la polizia,i due vengono cmq dinuovo arrestati.
Ed ? proprio in quel frangente che Danzig scrive "London Dungeon",lo stesso mese Jerry intraprende un tour, sempre in inghilterra, con la madre di Sid Vicious, poco prima che i 3 tornino a casa per il rilascio dell'Ep "Beware", gennaio 1980.
Nell'aprile 80 Arthur Googy, soprannominato "the Goog" diventa il nuovo batterista mentre sei mesi + tardi (7 ottobre) Bobby Steele effettua il suo ultimo concerto con i Misfits, infatti 3 giorni dopo viene avvisato che il suo posto lo prender? il sedicenne Paul Caiafa, fratello minore di Jerry, che inizialmente si chiamer? P.c Doyle, ma poi solamente Doyle.
Il primo concerto di Doyle si tenne il 31 ottobre e lo stesso giorno i Misfits apparvero in televisione.
Nell' aprile dell 81 vengono stampate 10.000 copie dell EP "3 hits from hell" (uscito su Plan 9), in agosto invece esce "Who Killed Marilyn?",che ? il primo EP solista di Danzig e a settembre sarebbe dovuto uscire ,su Plan 9,il full-lenght "Walk Among Us" ma l'uscita venne poi rinviata.
Il 30 ottobre esce l'EP "Halloween", del quale vengono stampate 5000 copie e a dicembre i MIsfits suonano headliner al Ritz di New York. La stessa sera suona anche Bobby Steele con gli Undead e alcuni menbri dei Misfits gli tirano degli oggetti mentre suona, la stessa sorte verr? poi riservata a loro dal pubblico che vendica il povero Bobby.
A marzo 82 esce l'album "walk among us", per la Ruby e nn per Plan 9 come sarebbe dovuto uscire qualche mese prima e ad aprile succede l'ennesima rissa durante un concerto. Alcune persone del pubblico tirano oggetti sul palco, uno in particolare si accanisce contro Doyle, scoppia la rissa e Doyle spacca la sua chitarra sulla testa dell'imbecille di turno.
Il 15 aprile Arthur e Glenn litigano in un McDonalds per via di un cheesburger di troppo di Arthur, Glenn voleva ne prendesse solo uno per via delle condiozioni finanziarie poco felici del gruppo, la lite finisce con l'espulsione di Arthur dal gruppo.
Due giorni dopo la band incontra l'attrice Vampira che ,incuriosita dal fatto che le avevano dedicato una canzone, decide non solo di incontrarli ma anche di farsi fotografare con loro nonostante non si facesse vedere in pubblico da anni.
In luglio trovano un nuovo batterista : Roberto Julio Valente, Robo, ex batterista dei Black Flag.
In ottobre i Misfits con i Necros vengono arrestati perch? trovati a passeggiare in un cimitero, i Misfits pagano la cauzione e partono il giorno dopo per il concerto in Floridae,i Necros restano in cella qualche altro giorno.
Dicembre 82 esce l'EP "Evilive", disponibile solo attraverso il "Fiends Club" e registrato la famosa sera che la gente ha tirato oggetti ai Misfits in difesa a Bobby Steele.
In agosto Robo lascia la band stufo dei litigi con Danzig, il quale comincia a pensare seriamante dicreare un nuovo gruppo; Jerry e Doyle intanto cercano di convincere Arthur a tornare nel gruppo ma Danzig non ne vuole sapere di suonare con lui e sceglie invece ,come nuovo batterista, Brian Keat, (Brian Damage) che per? non si riveler? un buon acquisto.
Infatti durante il classico concerto di Halloween, il 29 ottobre 83, Brian si ubriaca e viene sostituito daTodd Swalla, Jerry e Doyle arrabbiati per la scelta di Danzig eseguono tutto il concerto seduti sugli amplificatori, alla fine dello spettacolo Danzig comunica la fine dei Misfits.
Jerry, Doyle e Robo tornano nel New Jersey per andare a lavorare in fabbrica dal padre dei 2 fratelli.
In dicembre esce cmq "Earth A.D/Wolfs Blood", stampato in 10.000 copie.
Lasciati i Misfits Glenn decide di formare i Samhain mentre nel maggio 84 esce postumo l'EP "Die, die my darling" in 5500 copie.
A settembre 85 Glenn fa uscire "legacy of brutality" una complition di brani dell'era 77-81.
Nell'87 i Samhain si sciolgono e Glenn inizia la carriera solista con il nome di Danzig.
Il 31 ottobre invece Jerry e Doyle formano i Kryst The Conqueror e Jerry in un intervista comunica di voler intraprendere azioni legali contro Danzig per il controllo del nome Misfits, l'epilogo avverr? solo nel 94 quando Danzig concede loro l'uso del nome a fini esclusivamente musicali, i diritti sul merchandising verranno divisi in pati uguali tra loro e Glenn.
il 4 giugno 94 Jerry e Doyle insieme a Sal Bee (cantante) e David Calbrese (Dr C.H.U.D) alla batteria, suonano alla festa di compleanno di Dez Cadena ex Black Flag.
Nell'agosto 94 i Misfits ottengono da Danzig la concessione di registrare col nome Misfits e poco tempo dopo i due fratelli chiedono a Glenn di riunirsi alla band ma questi rifiuta.
Ad aprile i Misfits trovano in Michale Emauel il loro nuovo cantante che adotter? poi lo pseudonimo di Michale Graves e alla batteria tengono David Clabrese (Dr C.H.U.D)
Il giorno di Halloween del '95 il gruppo rinato effettua il suo primo concerto ufficiale dopo 12 anni ed in novembre la Caroline rilascia il progetto di Glenn sotto il nome di "Collection II", una specie di secondo greatest hits stampato in 10.000 copie e contenente qualche traccia registrata da Glenn dopo lo scioglimento del gruppo. Nel febbraio '96 la Caroline rilascia un "Box Set" dei Misfits, contenente 104 tracce rimasterizzate, incluse alcune versioni inedite e l'album di debutto "Static Age", fino ad ora mai rilasciato per intero, in 4 cd. Nel maggio del '96 viene registrato al Trax East di South River, nel New Jersey, un demo, che nizialmente si sarebbe dovuta intitolare "Blacklight EP", ma il cui nome viene cambiato durante le registrazioni in "Mars Attacks".
Lo stesso anno il gruppo parte per il suo primo tour mondiale dopo 13 anni, il "Resurrection World Tour", ed in dicembre i Misfits iniziano a registrare al Dreamland Recording Studio di New York per la Geffen Records (una major sotto-casa della Universal Music Group) un nuovo album, "American Psycho" (che inizialmente si sarebbe dovuto chiamare "Dead Kings Rise", titolo poi abbandonato), per il quale vengono registrati con Daniel Rey (che ha gi? lavorato, tra gli altri, con Ramones e White Zombie) 22 pezzi in due settimane e mezzo. Nel febbraio del '97 la Caroline rilascia "Violent World", un album tributo al gruppo contenente brani dei Misfits interpretati da band come NOFX, Goldfinger, Pennywise e Sick Of It All. In maggio esce "American Psycho",con 17 dei 22 brani registrati, per il quale Doyle inizia a farsi chiamare Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein e per la cui canzone "Dig Up Her Bones" viene anche girato il primo videodel gruppo (che viene reso scaricabile su internet, rimanendo per molto tempo in alto nella classifica dei video maggiormente scaricati, e arrivando anche al secondo posto, preceduto e seguito da due dei Backstreet Boys). In seguito, in luglio, la Caroline fa uscire in 7.000 copie "Static Age" singolarmente, il gruppo lascia la Geffen e parte per un tour con i Megadeth. Nel maggio '98 Michale se ne va, sostituito da Michael "Myke" Hideous per i tour estivi in Europa e Sud America, ma torna in agosto per le incisioni il mese seguente del successivo album "Famous Monsters", registrato in tre settimane al Dreamland Recording Studio per la major Roadrunner Records. Il 31 ottobre del '98 la band rilascia un nuovo live (contenente per la maggior parte brani di "American Psycho"), "Evilive II", nuovamente disponibile solo attraverso il "Fiends Club", mentre all'inizio del '99 esce "Famous Monster", partendo per un tour di promozione che li vede girare il mondo per vari mesi. Ma prima dell'inizio di uno show, il 25 ottobre 2000, all'House Of Blues di Orlando, in Florida, Michale avverte il pubblico,
all'insaputa di Jerry e Doyle, che sta per lasciare la band, e che l'ultimo concerto sarebbe stato quello di Halloween. Durante il concerto Doyle, in seguito a problemi con l'equipaggiamento e frustrato dall'annuncio, lascia nervosamente il palco, con l'intenzione per? di tornarvi pi? tardi. A questo punto sia Michale che Dr. Chud se ne vanno, abbandonando cos? i Misfits e lasciando Jerry da solo sul palco, che per? interpreta da solo un'ultima canzone, "We Are 138". Jerry e Doyle non vogliono per? cancellare il tour, e cos? i successivi due show vengono eseguiti con l'ex Joey Image, che abita in Florida, alla batteria, e lo stesso Jerry alla voce (oltre che al basso).
Due giorni dopo, per il concerto di Irvine, in California, i Misfits reclutano alla voce Zoltan "Zoli" Teglas degli Ignite, che ha gi? sostituito Graves due settimane prima (il 10 ottobre) per un concerto in Canada, e Ken "Renfield" Schalk alla batteria. A causa di vari impegni dei due nuovi membri temporanei, in alcuni show questi vengono sostituiti rispettivamente da Goat dei Murphy's Law alla batteria e Matt Cross degli Orange 9mm come cantante, mentre ad un concerto del 17 novembre a San Francisco anche James Hetfield, frontman dei Metallica, suona con la band due canzoni. I Metallica hanno sempre dichiarato di essere grandi fans dei Misfits (in passato hanno anche fatto tre cover del gruppo inserendole nel loro album "Garage Days Revisited") e spesso effettuano i loro concerti indossando delle t-shirts del gruppo di Lodi. La band, pur essendo senza batterista e cantante, decide comunque di continuare e di iniziare una serie di tour
per festeggiare 25 anni di vita dei Misfits (che compir? nel 2002) insieme a degli "ospiti" che riempiranno il vuoto lasciato da Graves e Dr. Chud. Il 18 aprile del 2001 (a 24 anni esatti dal primo concerto del gruppo) ha cos? inizio l'"M25 tour" (dove M sta per Misfits e 25 per la sua et?) al Roseland Ballroom di New York, in cui a Jerry e Doyle si affiancano Marky Ramone (ex Ramones) e Robo (ex Misfits e Black Flag) alla batteria e Dez Cadena (ex Black Flag) alla voce. Il concerto, a cui partecipano anche Goat e Graves (che interpreta alcuni brani), viene dedicato a Joey Ramone, ex voce dei Ramones e considerato uno dei fondatori del punk, scomparso tre giorni prima. Il tour non ? inteso solo come festeggiamento dei primi a 25 anni di Misfits, ma anche come festeggiamento dei primi 25 anni di punk (il '77 ? simbolicamente considerato il suo anno di nascita), come dimostra anche la presenza di componenti di alcune band storiche
quali Black Flag e Ramones, oltre che Misfits: il gruppo infatti, pur essendo ufficialmente in tour come Misfits, non interpreta solamente dei suoi brani, ma anche pezzi di queste altre band, suonati con qualcuno dei componenti originali. Ma in maggio Doyle decide di lasciare temporaneamente il gruppo, per dedicarsi maggiormente alla sua famiglia, dato che sua moglie George aspetta un quarto figlio, dopo i tre maschi Louis, Pauly e Isaac. Doyle e sua moglie hanno gi? deciso di chiamare il nascituro Boris, dal nome dell'attore horror Boris Karloff, aggiungendo solamente, se fosse stato una femmina, una "s", per rendere il nome pi? femminile. Intanto, in luglio, i Misfits partecipano all'edizione annuale del Vans Warped Tour, mentre allo stesso tempo la relazione tra Doyle e sua moglieinizia ad incrinarsi, portando i due ad iniziare a parlare di divorzio:tutto questo costringe Doyle, che preferisce dedicare maggior tempo alla delicata questione personale, a prolungare i tempi del suo rientro nel gruppo. I Misfits intanto partono per un tour estivo nel Sud America (con una line-up comprendente Jerry al basso,Robo alla batteria e Dez alla voce e chitarra), che li porta a suonare in Cile,Brasile e Argentina, facendo registrare ovunque un'ottima affluenza di pubblico, mentre il 17 agosto nasce il figlio di Doyle. E' una femmina, e perci? viene chiamata Boriss; ma Doyle, dopo tre maschi, era sicuro di averne un altro,e perci? si era gi? fatto tatuare (ha infatti tatuato il nome di ciascuno dei suoi figli sulle dita della sua mano destra) il nome con una "s" sola. Il 30 ottobre 2001 esce "Cuts From The Crypt", una raccolta di brani inediti dei Misfits dell'era 1996-2001, con il rilascio del quale si esaurisce il contratto con la Roadrunner. L'album contiene i brani del demo "Mars Attack" del '96, remixati e rimasterizzati, alcune cover (tra cui una di Iggy Pop, gi? comparsa sull'album tributo di questo del '97, una per la quale per la prima volta Jerry registra un brano come cantante leader, ed una live dei Black Flag, registrata durante il Misfits "M25 tour" a Porto Alegre, in Brasile, nel luglio 2001, con Dez e Robo), due brani scartati dalle registrazioni di "American Psycho", un brano interpretato da John Cafiero, regista dei videoclip di "Dig Up Her Bones" e "American Psycho", originariamente scritta per i New York Rangers Hockey Team ma poi mai utilizzata, alcuni brani inseriti come bonus tracks nella versione europea di "Famous Monsters" ed alcuni originariamente scritti per le colonne sonore di due film ("Bruiser" di George Romero e "Campfire Stories" di Don Oriolo Jr.), poi mai realizzate. La raccolta contiene inoltre il videoclip di "Scream", realizzato per la promozione di"Famous Monsters". La band continua comunque l'"M25 tour", con i due ex Black Flag e l'ex Ramones, mentre alla vigilia del nuovo anno, il 2002, registra, con Marky alla batteria e John Cafiero ai cori, una nuova canzone (una cover dei Balzac, horror punk band ispirata dai Misfits) che viene poi inserita in uno split EP con gli stessi Balzac, in cui i Misfits interpretano una canzone dei Balzac ed i Balzac un medley di due canzoni dei Misfits. L'EP, intitolato "Don't Open Til Doomsday" per la versione giapponese e "Day The Earth Caught Fire" per quella statunitense, esce agli inizi della primavera del 2002 in Giappone, edito dalla Disk Union, ed in maggio negli U.S.A., edito dalla casa appena creata dal gruppo, la Misfits Records. Nell'agosto dello stesso anno inizia la vendita, esclusivamente in Giappone ed attraverso il sito della band, di 1.000 esemplari di pupazzi rappresentanti Jerry, Doyle ed il Crimson Ghost (il logo del gruppo), che vanno ad ampliare la vasta gamma di articoli del merchandise ufficiale della band.



Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:08
da DevilMaster

? Evilive (1982)

? Walk Among Us (1982) 8/10
? Earth A.D./ Woolfsblood (1983) 7,5/10
? Legacy Of Brutality (1985)
? Die Die My Darling (1987)

? Satic Age (1995)
? American Psycho (1997)
? Famous Monsters (1999)
? Cuts From The Crypt (2001)


Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:10
da DevilMaster

1997 - Uni/Geffen

1.Abominable Dr. Phibes
2.American Psycho
3.Speak Of the Devil
4.Walk Among Us
5.The Hunger
6.From Hell They Came
7.Dig Up Her Bones
10.This Island Earth
11.Crimson Ghost
12.Day Of The Dead
13.The Haunting
14.Mars Attacks
15.Hate The Living, Love The Dead
17.Don't Open Til Doomsday
19.Dead Kings Rise


whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa go inside a wall street mind a psycho lurks lines of cocaine cut in hell obsessive hands gently grab your neck compulsively you'll die... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe, go the sweet asphyxiation and dismemberment sex puts me in the mood to make you die obsessive hands gently grab your neck look into sick eyes... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe go - a machine of penalty go - the sweet insanity go - fade to black tranquility go - you're looking through the eyes of a psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho -psycho- inside a wall street mind a psycho lurks lines of cocaine cut in hell obsessive hands gently grab your neck compulsively you'll die... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe go - a machine of penalty go - the sweet insanity go - fade to black tranquility go - you're looking through the eyes of a psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho psycho, psycho, psycho, psycho

traded in my bible for a little black cat the time of armageddon's here some call me the son of the morning god knows i'm the angel of light i drink my water from a wolf's footprint my soul's redemptive work of christ god knows i'm the angel of light speak of the devil speak of the devil devil believers be on guard be strong and take a stand the time of armageddon's here some call me the son of the morning speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil devil, devil

they'll find pieces of you scattered on the ground i am the mad man in your dreams we are the evil ones we need the planet to demonstrate we want your body to incubate begin the breeding of an alien superior race that in which will ultimately dominate give into what you cannot fight walk among us whoa-oh walk among us the abductions have already begun all around us we've infected someone you love initiate the start of an alien war we've already one give into what you cannot fight walk among us whoa-oh walk among us whoa-oh walk among us whoa-oh walk among us

we become erupt in violence destroy the silence our time has come go we are the outcasted, ancient descendents the ones who've been calling and would you still die for the dead, yet still living starved of a time that's now come, whoa-oh we are the children the hungry children we become erupt in violence seduce the silence our time has come go we are the kindred, hell's ancient descendent slaves begging the night not to go would you still die for the dead, yet still living starved of a life that's now gone, whoa-oh we are the children the hungry children we become blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it oh, whoa

in the night i hear voices calling they seem to speak my name glowing bright i see the eyes of demons reaching up beyond the grave and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came dark the night their cries so lonely feel their need inside i can't fight this eternal longing feast on flesh, these ghouls tonight and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came oh whoa-oh whoa-oh oh in the night i hear voices calling they seem to speak my name glowing bright i see the eyes of demons reaching up beyond the grave and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came

anything is what she is anywhere is where she's from anything is what she'll be anything as long as it's mine and the door, it opens, is the way back in or is it the way back out anyplace is where she'll be anyplace, she'll see you from lies and secrets become your world anytime, anywhere, she takes me away and death climbs up the steps one by one to give you the rose that's been burnt by her son point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones i have seen the demon's face i have heard of her death place i fall down on my knees in praise of the horrible things that took her away and death climbs up the steps one by one to give you the rose that's been burnt by her son point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones bones

a pounding pulse stirs anxious feelings inside sick breaths of undead life "help me angel evil" cried the children of the night take this wasted mortal life melt me into blacklight lie on the floor and let the body die become the beasts in which you fear "help me angel evil" cried the children of the night take this wasted mortal life melt me into blacklight "help me angel evil" cried the children of the night take this wasted mortal life melt me into blacklight on go

complications inside of me reminds me that my heart won't always beat the ugly face of death that's smiling at my rotting teeth i will die here in this sorrow i was waiting for tomorrow palpitate the pulse until you feel my heart explode against the wall oh talk about me laugh about me cry about me nail me to the cross i'll be a martyr for the hated the weak, the ugly, the lost i will die here in this sorrow i won't wait for tomorrow palpitate the pulse until you resurrect my soul from the wall whoa talk about me laugh about me cry about me nail me to the cross whoa whoa whoa

furious the exodus walks along the maddening march of death with the furor and the masses whose supremacies is the dominion alien bodies stiff and cold your inner sane turns numb you transform into a rage too naive to understand and as they go on the sacrifice grows we're living on ground zero, fire this island earth target locked, systems checked, enter code we're living on ground zero, fire (fire, this island earth) locked up in a room human beings in a cage the sentence a scienced death as they pull the triggers of ray guns evil blackened eyes of youth absorbing life's hidden anguish death thrown all about the ground or those who wouldn't fight and as they go on the sacrifice grows we're living on ground zero, fire this island earth target locked, systems checked, ebter code we're living on ground zero, fire (fire, this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth

whoa i know your every move behind this face i have control over expendable slaves when confrontation comes down to the wire i'll use my cyclotrode and commence the fire you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me being followed, i get quick to the chase i take my cyclotrode right out of the case atomic force electrocutes your motor leaving dead in flames i always escape you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me you're never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me never gonna get me never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me never gonna get me never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me never gonna get me never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost never gonna get me i'm the crimson ghost

hell is full time to empty human flesh feeding frenzy woah oh, "here comes the dead" open graves, ghouls a plenty zombie army machine is ready woah oh, "here comes the dead" when the dead come arising you see their eyes, you're hypnotized and they eat your guts out and now you're the "living dead" when the dead come arising you see their eyes, you're hypnotized and they eat your guts out and now you're the "living dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" here comes, here comes the dead

the darkness bleeds violent sights it purges from within death, it holds you in its arms and kisses you goodnight oh, oh, oh, the darkness comes oh, oh, oh, i feel its bite oh, it purges from within it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists, and watch me bleed inside a dream it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists and watch me bleed they stop haunting me the darkness bleeds violent sights it purges from within death, it holds you in its arms and kisses you goodnight oh, oh, oh, the darkness comes oh, oh, oh, i feel its bite oh, it purges from within it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists, and watch me bleed inside a dream it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists and watch me bleed they stop haunting me

their eyes for many centuries peered in from space sincere the hope, their wise believed they could teach our race but yet on mars, a darker side like all things that god made their tribe of war, would heed them not "earth they must invade" see: the fire in the skies see: them devastate the land mars attacks: the warlord chief commands see: the humans fight and die see: our planet laid to waste mars attacks: monsters invade the earth from space it was then, in our darkest hour when everything seemed lost the hearts of men would not concede no matter what the cost they forged a sword of sound and steel upon the martian doors the voice of war would thunder there and "mars would be no more" see: the martian cities fall see: the death of the warrior tribe mars attacks, now their planet won't survive see: their world turn into ash see: the terror on their face mars explodes, cast out as rubble into space woah-oh, oh, oh woah-oh, oh, oh mars attacks: monsters invade the earth from space woah-oh, oh, oh woah-oh, oh, oh woah-oh, oh, oh

hate the living, love the dead smashing embryos, cut off heads find the brain for my bride-to-be we'll bear our children, adam and eve put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead nerves steady, hands are sure bride reborn to view with horror blackened eyes, blood-stained hands hate the living, love the dead put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead oh

go!!!!!! control the urge to spit up vile worms... soul monsters seduced by her attention try draining the infection whoa-go go, oh locked in a world of bile-soaked skin, heaven monsters seduced by her attention she's draining the infection "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv whoa-go go, oh control the urge to spit up vile worms... soul monsters seduced by her attention try draining the infection whoa-oh "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv

buried beneath the statue, the answer hides enduring throughout the ages the transmitter lies once the chambers open the signal will be sent to another world... far beyond the stars don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find inside we were warned of this coming so long ago immortal secrets... man shouldn't know entering a realm where we just don't belong we called them and they're coming don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find inside don't open 'til doomsday (inside) destruction's not far away (inside) don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find you might not like what you find inside

thirteen have come and gone crimson death, crimson blood rise from hell, its fire burns everywhere thirteen, the spell's begun summon up the devil's son a monster born within everyone i know it must be stopped it's kill or be killed hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa the thirteen we must find burning gives us little time kill them fast and get away the thirteen have been slain and are laid in shallow graves we must destroy everything at the scene and i know it must be killed it's kill or be killed hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa and i know it must be killed it's kill or be killed hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa hell night, whoa

bound by battle scars when the savages reigned the lord of war from his right hand man betrayed beneath the battle field his murdered corpse they hide oh, curse from hell avenge my death avenge the lies oh, flesh they stole but the soul is not begotten through the gates of hell i'll seize my throne feel my sword though the flesh be dead and rotten! dead kings rise for vengeance owed (repeat)


Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:13
da DevilMaster

1999 - Roadrunner

1.Kong At The Gates
2.The Forbidden Zone
3.Lost In Space
4.Dust To Dust
5.Crawling Eye
6.Witch Hunt
8.Saturday Night
9.Pumpkin Head
10.Scarecrow Man
11.Die Monster Die
12.Living Hell
13.Descending Angel
15.Fiend Club
16.Hunting Humans
18.Kong Unleashed

e-mail me if you have the lyrics

some say that's where man began on this wasted piece of land where evolution's yet to show forbidden zone blasting into outer space the planet of the apes evolutions's one hero crossing a plain into another dimension a million years into the future crossing a path into another dimension we the unseen back on earth it's all you'll read about all the evidence destroyed maps and legends mark the firewalls we the lost abandoned saviors of the forbidden zone we shall sustain the forbidden zone

go! of all the things they taught you i'm telling you this son all the wars fought before won't compare to this one giant spiders take over here comes another mutant suicide-squad you blast them out but now you're way off course you start to shiver and shake i'm calling you houston am i following....all the right leads? or am i about to get lost in space? when my time comes they'll write my destiny will you take this ride? communication's lost we crash to the earth too late to see the giant spider monster giving birth the future is here...and here is the future am i following....all the right leads? or am i about to get lost in space? when my time comes they'll write my destiny will you take this ride with me?

hate you father for you have sinned why did you lord let this life begin? i'm not your savior, i'm not your son a forgotten boy, abandoned creation with these final words i pull the switch we turn to dust dust to dust my name's like the kiss of death when we embrace, we turn to dust (2x) mother, father you answer me your soul-less son, your thing that should not be a brilliant demon, a monster god you gave me life but took the soul away with these final words i pull the switch we turn to dust dust to dust my name's like the kiss of death when we embrace, we turn to dust with these final words i pull the switch we turn to dust dust to dust my name's like the kiss of death ashes to ashes..dust to dust we belong dead. we belong dead. we belong dead, we belong...... with these final words i pull the switch we turn to dust dust to dust my name's like the kiss of death when we embrace, we turn to dust (2x)

it's such a steep climb up the mountains south side it has a cloud that acts in such peculiar ways accident count rising, a young girl prophesizing to protect their race they'll seize her mind at this altitude it's freezing aliens control human beings no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye? at this altitude it's freezing aliens control human beings no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye? these evil demon eyes, under cloud cover hide they have great tentacles to tear apart their prey all these men are dying, crawling eye decapitizing fiends without a face attack mankind at this altitude it's freezing aliens control human beings no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye? at this altitude it's freezing aliens control human beings no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye? crawling eye (3x)

wipe out the weak and dying i've got no use for you sent from hell, i know they're lying just another sacrifice we are on a witch hunt hunt her down for, will she sink or float? we want independence from her spell. exterminate the undetermined i've got no use for you sent from hell, i know they're lying hang her by her neck to die we are on a witch hunt hunt her down for, will she sink or float? we want independence from her spell. we're on a head hunt we're on a blood hunt we're on a witch hunt and we're gonna get you we're coming after you too we're on a witch hunt (2x) we are on a witch hunt hunt her down for, will she sink or float? we want independence from her spell. were under a spell we're on a head hunt we're on a blood hunt we're on a witch hunt and we're gonna get you we're coming after you

woah oh oh oh woah oh oh oh woah oh oh oh scream a chill runs up your spine it crawls up to your brain a frezzing touch of fear it?s driving me insane although you try to find dragged from the silence where you hide till you scream till you scream a chill runs up your spine and crawls up to your brain a frezzing touch of fear it?s driving me insane although you try to find dragged from the silence where you hide till you scream till you scream scream i cant wait to hear you scream it?s driving me insane although you try to find dragged from the silence where you hide till you scream scream i cant wait to hear you i cant wait to hear you scream i cant wait to hear you i cant wait to hear you scream scream scream

(woah oh oh oh) there's 52 ways to murder anyone one & two are the same, and they both work as well i'm coming clean for amy, julie doesn't scream as well and the cops won't listen all night so maybe, maybe i'll be over just as soon as i fill them all in and i can't remember when i saw her last we were running all around and having a blast but the back seat of the drive-in is so lonely without you i know when youre home i was thinking about you, there was was something i forgot to say i was crying on a saturday night i was out cruising without you, they were playing our song crying on saturday night as the moon becomes the night time you go viciously, quietly away i'm sitting in the bedroom, where we used to sit and smoke cigarettes now i'm watching, watching you die and i can't remember when i saw her last we were running all around and having a blast but the back seat of the drive-in 's so lonely without you i know when you're home i was thinking about you, there was was something i forgot to say i was crying on a saturday night i was out cruising without you, they were playing our song crying on saturday night

now this is a story of a good man named ed left his son for a moment, returned found him dead recalls a tale as a boy that he was told of an evil witch, so wicked, so old seeks a farmers advice he will not give his oldest son knows just where the witch lived he took ed there but refused to go in the boy knew what was about to begin she has the power to avenge the dead it cost your soul now come with me ed i'm gonna take you where your body will lie i'm gonna take you there my friend i'm gonna show you where your life will end i'm gonna bring you here again dig up this grave, the old lady said the thing we need lies here dormant sleeping with the dead you understand what you ask of me not even death can set your soul free i cast this curse and you will find an evil darkness deep inside your vengeful mind god damn you to hell, he could not restrain he already has son the

how bout' a little fire scarecrow? hangin' in a field you'll never know i'm out here i'm telling you people best beware i creep into town, i'm hunting my prey back on my post by the crack of day lock your doors, watch your back, it's true turn do you do.. i'm the scarecrow man...i'm the scarecrow man people dying every night mutilations a terrible site look 'round the victims really hard scarecrow's death straw calling card and i'm coming and killing it's true turn do you do i'm the scarecrow man, i'm the scarecrow man scarecrow man, scarecrow man i'm the scarecrow man (2x) hangin' in a field you'll never know i'm out here i'm telling you people best beware i creep into town, i'm hunting my prey back on my post by the crack of day i've come to kill you..i will i'm gonna eat you be still i'm the scarecrow man

first things first, ms. monroe rises from the dead the henchmen came knocked down the door to my never world i hope you die die monster die die monster die die monster die first things first, we must find out which mirror evil lives i enter this door look into the mirrors i don't recognize this face that's lookin' back at me die die monster die die monster die die monster die there's a place where the mirrors don't lie (3x) i hope you die die monster die die monster die die monster die there's a place where the mirrors don't lie (3x) die monster die

imprisoned in this world of darkness few have known a monster lusting blood and the hunger grows out on the street, danger's real, the killer's still at large a trail of death through sewers to the underground i feel their fleeting life draw into my bones hear the heart that pounds, the blood that flows eternity i damn thee let me rot into the ground as the empty veins collapse, cast them down living hell, whoa living hell, whoa living hell, whoa i just can't go this living hell this town has worn thin everybody knows panic in the news and the terror grows a tunnel full of filth escape into the night another hole to dwell in the underground i feel their fleeting life draw into my bones hear the heart that pounds, the blood that flows eternity i damn thee let me rot into the ground as the empty veins collapse, cast them down living hell, whoa living hell, whoa living hell, whoa i just can't go this living hell in this living hell (2x) i feel their fleeting life draw into my bones hear the heart that pounds, the blood that flows eternity i damn thee let me rot into the ground as the empty veins collapse, cast them down living hell, whoa living hell, whoa living hell, whoa i just can't go this living hell

torn from the heavens, they fall from the sky and walk the streets among mortal men they hide in shadows, keepers of the night mortal life is weak, can't hold back the demons the blood pours as rain and soon you'll be alone whaaoo descending angel stand by my side whaaoo we'll face the night descending angel whaaaooo guard the gates of hell just one more night for in the morning...will bring the light born or created in the image of a god the heavens fall, no savior has been sent no one to guide us, alone we face the night mortal life is brief for the rebel angels they make their final stand and soon you'll be alone whaaooo descending angel stand by my side whaaoo and face the night descending angel whaaoo guard the gates of hell just one more night whaoooo forever...ends...tonight descending angel

man's atomic age is here horrifying hordes appear exoskeleton armored, exoskeleton might exoskeleton horror, exoskeleton bite beware of them! (2x) something wicked this way comes creepy crawling giant bugs exoskeleton armored, exoskeleton might exoskeleton horror, exoskeleton bite beware of them! (2x) in the desert sands where they test the bombs came these man-made monsters they'll try to breed, they'll fly by night we must destroy these nests of mutant ants, these man-made monsters their bodies burn a gruesome sight beware of them! (2x) evil is as humans do bible prophecy comes true in the desert sands where they test the bombs came these man-made monsters they'll try to breed, they'll fly by night we must destroy these nests of mutant ants, these man-made monsters their bodies burn a gruesome sight (2x) beware of them! (4x)

we wont pretend that this is the end we?re not losers all the time we march and we fall we?re one and for all it?s just evil all time, all the time we are the fiend club we are the fiend club we are the fiend club not you not you you dress so messed up your hair is to long but i?m changing it all the time we march and we fall we?re one and for all it?s just evil all time, all the time evil all the time we are the fiend club we are the fiend club we are the fiend club not you not you evil all the time we are the fiend club we are the fiend club we are the fiend club not you not you we are the fiend club we are the fiend club we are the fiend club not you not you not you not you we are the fiend club

upon this threshold of disaster the birth of the eleventh plague the fires burn at night i begin to doubt the smell of burning flesh will ever fade away the touch of death is all around us a thousand corpses block our way a man-made germ makes almost everyone commit suicide just to rise and eat their dead night of the living dead we're hunting humans, whaooo-ooo we're hunting humans, whaooo-ooo we're hunting humans , whaooo-oo we're hunting humans it's killing time every day i can't control this eerie feeling an evil screaming in my head i don't think i'll last the night there is no cure for this genocide or resurrection of the dead night of the living dead we're hunting humans, whaooo-ooo we're hunting humans, whaooo-ooo we're hunting humans , whaooo-oo we're hunting humans it's killing time every day

if i cut off your arms and cut off you legs would you still love me anyway? if you're bound and gagged, draped and displayed would you still love me anyway? why don't you love me anyway? why don't you love me anyway? (2x) cutting with a knife, blood is spilling everywhere she will be my wife secondary spine, incisions must be accurate i know just what to do my hands are trembling i can't spare to slip up with this knife her beauty so illogical the beast come gliding in hideous chameleon she's stripped down to her skin dance to the burning flame pleasure exhumes the pain the night bursts into flame dance helena, dance if i cut off your arms and i cut off your legs would you still love me anyway? there's a spot on the floor where your limbs used to be and i close the door on my fantasies why don't you love me anyway? why don't you love me anyway? why don't you love me anyway? why don't you love me anyway? helena!


Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:16
da DevilMaster


1.Intro (Creepy Church)
2.Abominable Dr. Phibes
3.American Psycho
4.Walk Among Us
5.The Hunger
6.From Hell They Came
7.Speak Of The Devil
8.Last Caress
9.Dig Up Her Bones
10.American Nightmare
11.Day Of The Dead
12.Hate The Living, Love The Dead
14.Don't Open 'Til Doomsday
15.This Island Earth
16.Where Eagles Dare
19.The Haunting
20.Die Die My Darling



whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa go inside a wall street mind a psycho lurks lines of cocaine cut in hell obsessive hands gently grab your neck compulsively you'll die... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe, go the sweet asphyxiation and dismemberment sex puts me in the mood to make you die obsessive hands gently grab your neck look into sick eyes... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe go - a machine of penalty go - the sweet insanity go - fade to black tranquility go - you're looking through the eyes of a psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho -psycho- inside a wall street mind a psycho lurks lines of cocaine cut in hell obsessive hands gently grab your neck compulsively you'll die... i hate peo-ple whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh struggling to breathe go - a machine of penalty go - the sweet insanity go - fade to black tranquility go - you're looking through the eyes of a psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho, whoa-oh an american psycho psycho, psycho, psycho, psycho

they'll find pieces of you scattered on the ground i am the mad man in your dreams we are the evil ones we need the planet to demonstrate we want your body to incubate begin the breeding of an alien superior race that in which will ultimately dominate give into what you cannot fight walk among us whoa-oh walk among us the abductions have already begun all around us we've infected someone you love initiate the start of an alien war we've already one give into what you cannot fight walk among us whoa-oh walk among us whoa-oh walk among us whoa-oh walk among us

we become erupt in violence destroy the silence our time has come go we are the outcasted, ancient descendents the ones who've been calling and would you still die for the dead, yet still living starved of a time that's now come, whoa-oh we are the children the hungry children we become erupt in violence seduce the silence our time has come go we are the kindred, hell's ancient descendent slaves begging the night not to go would you still die for the dead, yet still living starved of a life that's now gone, whoa-oh we are the children the hungry children we become blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it blood quench the hunger wouldn't you need it oh, whoa

in the night i hear voices calling they seem to speak my name glowing bright i see the eyes of demons reaching up beyond the grave and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came dark the night their cries so lonely feel their need inside i can't fight this eternal longing feast on flesh, these ghouls tonight and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came oh whoa-oh whoa-oh oh in the night i hear voices calling they seem to speak my name glowing bright i see the eyes of demons reaching up beyond the grave and i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came i think from hell they came oh, i think from hell they came

traded in my bible for a little black cat the time of armageddon's here some call me the son of the morning god knows i'm the angel of light i drink my water from a wolf's footprint my soul's redemptive work of christ god knows i'm the angel of light speak of the devil speak of the devil devil believers be on guard be strong and take a stand the time of armageddon's here some call me the son of the morning speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil speak of the devil devil, devil

i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead well i got something to say i raped your mother today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as she spread sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress go sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress well, i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death one last caress one last caress, sweet death one last caress, sweet death oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

anything is what she is anywhere is where she's from anything is what she'll be anything as long as it's mine and the door, it opens, is the way back in or is it the way back out anyplace is where she'll be anyplace, she'll see you from lies and secrets become your world anytime, anywhere, she takes me away and death climbs up the steps one by one to give you the rose that's been burnt by her son point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones i have seen the demon's face i have heard of her death place i fall down on my knees in praise of the horrible things that took her away and death climbs up the steps one by one to give you the rose that's been burnt by her son point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones point me to the sky above i can get there on my own walk me to the graveyard dig up her bones bones

hot cherry on friday night when the sun goes down my spine i put an axe in my baby's head i'm gonna end up doing time she looks so good in red american nightmare running scared she shoulda been hard to get she shoulda been hard to kill she shoulda been hard to kill, hey i had to split your head american nightmare running scared i'm heading down the highway sign has three inverted nines if the lord don't get me the devil will but not without a fight this highway never fucking ends american nightmare running scared american nightmare running scared i'm heading down the highway sign has three inverted nines if the lord don't get me the devil will but not without a fight this highway never fucking ends american nightmare running scared hey, american nightmare running scared

hell is full time to empty human flesh feeding frenzy woah oh, "here comes the dead" open graves, ghouls a plenty zombie army machine is ready woah oh, "here comes the dead" when the dead come arising you see their eyes, you're hypnotized and they eat your guts out and now you're the "living dead" when the dead come arising you see their eyes, you're hypnotized and they eat your guts out and now you're the "living dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" oh, oh, "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" "here comes the dead" here comes, here comes the dead

hate the living, love the dead smashing embryos, cut off heads find the brain for my bride-to-be we'll bear our children, adam and eve put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead nerves steady, hands are sure bride reborn to view with horror blackened eyes, blood-stained hands hate the living, love the dead put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead put me together with the bodies of the dead and i will wait for life and breathe again hate the living, love the dead scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin wake this eternal sleep she's in and we'll breed for you, on your command hate the living, love the dead oh

go!!!!!! control the urge to spit up vile worms... soul monsters seduced by her attention try draining the infection whoa-go go, oh locked in a world of bile-soaked skin, heaven monsters seduced by her attention she's draining the infection "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv whoa-go go, oh control the urge to spit up vile worms... soul monsters seduced by her attention try draining the infection whoa-oh "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv "carol anne," the beast is calling "carol anne, carol anne," she can hear souls sing "carol anne," the beast it needs you here it comes, here it comes reaching out somewhere from inside your tv

buried beneath the statue, the answer hides enduring throughout the ages the transmitter lies once the chambers open the signal will be sent to another world... far beyond the stars don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find inside we were warned of this coming so long ago immortal secrets... man shouldn't know entering a realm where we just don't belong we called them and they're coming don't open 'til doomsday destruction's not far away don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find inside don't open 'til doomsday (inside) destruction's not far away (inside) don't open 'til doomsday you might not like what you find you might not like what you find inside

furious the exodus walks along the maddening march of death with the furor and the masses whose supremacies is the dominion alien bodies stiff and cold your inner sane turns numb you transform into a rage too naive to understand and as they go on the sacrifice grows we're living on ground zero, fire this island earth target locked, systems checked, enter code we're living on ground zero, fire (fire, this island earth) locked up in a room human beings in a cage the sentence a scienced death as they pull the triggers of ray guns evil blackened eyes of youth absorbing life's hidden anguish death thrown all about the ground or those who wouldn't fight and as they go on the sacrfice grows we're living on ground zero, fire this island earth target locked, systems checked, ebter code we're living on ground zero, fire (fire, this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth (this island earth) we're living on this island earth

we walk the streets at night we go where eagles dare they pick up every movement they pick up every loser with jaded eyes and features you think they really care i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby, babe an omelet of disease awaits your noontime meal her mouth of germicide seducing all your glands i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby, babe let's test your threshold of pain let's see how long you last that hatpin in your retina unbosoms all your past with jaded eyes and features you think they really care let's go where eagles dare we'll go where eagles dare i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch you better think about it baby, hey

president's bullet-ridden body in the street ride, johnny ride kennedy's shattered head hits concrete ride, johnny ride johnny's wife is floundering johnny's wife is scared run, jackie run texas is an outrage when your husband is dead texas is an outrage when they pick up his head texas is the reason that the president's dead you gotta suck, suck, jackie suck president's bullet-ridden body in the street ride, johnny ride kennedy's shattered head hits concrete ride, johnny ride texas is an outrage when your husband is dead texas is an outrage when they pick up his head texas is the reason that the president's dead you gotta suck, suck, jackie suck arise jackie o, jonathon of kennedy well, arise and be shot down the dirt's gonna be your dessert my cum be your life source and the only way to get it is to suck or fuck or be poor and devoid and masturbate me, masturbate me then slurp it from your palm like a dry desert soaking up rain soaking up sun like a dry desert soaking up rain soaking up sun

hey black dress moves in a blue movie graverobbers from outer space your pulmonary trembles in your outstretched arm tremble so wicked two inch nails micro waist with a pale white feline face inclination eyebrows to there mistress to the horror kid cemetery of the white love ghoul, well take off your shabby dress come and lay beside me come a little bit closer come a little bit closer come a little bit closer come a little bit closer to this vampira, vampira, vampira hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

the darkness bleeds violent sights it purges from within death, it holds you in its arms and kisses you goodnight oh, oh, oh, the darkness comes oh, oh, oh, i feel its bite oh, it purges from within it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists, and watch me bleed inside a dream it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists and watch me bleed they stop haunting me the darkness bleeds violent sights it purges from within death, it holds you in its arms and kisses you goodnight oh, oh, oh, the darkness comes oh, oh, oh, i feel its bite oh, it purges from within it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists, and watch me bleed inside a dream it's over, it's over this haunting, it's over they cut my wrists and watch me bleed they stop haunting me

die, die, die my darling don't utter a single word die, die, die my darling just shut your pretty mouth i'll be seeing you again i'll be seeing you in hell don't cry to me oh baby your future's in an oblong box, yeah don't cry to me oh baby should have seen it a-coming on don't cry to me oh baby i don't know it was in your power don't cry to me oh baby dead-end girl for a dead-end guy don't cry to me oh baby now your life drains on the floor don't cry to me oh baby die, die, die my darling don't utter a single word die, die, die my darling just shut your pretty mouth i'll be seeing you again i'll be seeing you in hell don't cry to me a baby your future is in an oblong box don't cry to me oh baby should have seen the end a-coming on, a-coming don't cry to me oh baby i don't know it was in your power don't cry to me oh baby dead-end girl for a dead-end guy don't cry to me oh baby now your life drains on the floor don't cry to me oh baby die, die, die my darling don't utter a single word die, die, die my darling shut your pretty mouth i'll be seeing you again i'll be seeing you in hell don't cry to me oh baby die, die, die my darling don't cry to me oh baby die, die, die my darling die, die, die my darling die, die, die my darling die, die, die, die, die, die....


Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:16
da DevilMaster


1.Static Intro
2.Static Age
3.TV Casualty
4.Some Kinda Hate
5.Last Caress
6.Return Of The Fly
7.Hybrid Moments
8.We Are 138
9.Teenagers From Mars
10.Come Back
12.Hollywood Babylon
15.Theme For A Jackal
16.static outro

static, static, static we're on a video rage static, static, static we're on a video rage we're all blue from projection tubes we're all blue from projection tubes this is the static age we live in our eyes criss-cross, hold and gaze this is the static age we live in breathe in catch your radiation blue disease and turning, tossing this is a static age our very static age this is a static age static, static, static we're on a video rage static, static, static we're on a video rage and we're all blue from projection tubes we're all blue from projection tubes

there are paint smears on everything i own the vapor rub is lying on a table of filth christmas cards to which i never reply my eyeballs absorb only blue filtered light tv casualty, tv casualty we're all right tv casualty, tv casualty i wish they'd put prince namor on the tube hold on, i think i have to puke there's a spot in the corner where i always go i like to feed the flies that i know but please don't feed my television screen please don't feed my television screen please don't feed my television screen please don't feed my television screen tv casualty, tv casualty we're all right tv casualty, tv casualty babies in prison, they call it a womb nine month sentence, no paroles livers of steel stuck in your lungs breathe deep, we need a donor for blood jaguars at the cemetery cadillacs grazing at your grave zeniths grazing at your grave sonys grazing at your grave tv casualty, tv casualty we're all right tv casualty, tv casualty we're all right tv casualty, tv casualty

there's some kinda love and there's some kinda hate the maggots in the iron lung won't copulate and it's a woah oh oh oh oh and it's a woah oh oh oh oh and it's a woah oh oh oh oh i said woah woah oh, oh oh oh hear the cats cry little tortured babies in pain cracked necks by settled limbs they don't hesitate and it's a woah oh oh oh oh baby woah oh oh oh oh and it's a woah oh oh oh oh i said woah, woah, oh there's some kinda love and there is some kinda hate i'm gonna tell you all about it now the maggots in the eye of love won't copulate and it's a woah oh oh oh oh baby woah oh oh oh oh baby woah oh oh oh oh

i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead well i got something to say i raped your mother today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as she spread sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress go sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress well, i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death one last caress one last caress, sweet death one last caress, sweet death oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

return of the fly return of the fly with vincent price yeah, return of the fly helen delambre, helen delambre francois, francois return of the fly you guinea pighuman hands and feet yeah, you guinea pig helen delambre, helen delambre francois, francois cecile, cecile cecile, cecile the return of the fly with vincent price you guinea pig yeah, return of the fly return of the fly with vincent price you guinea pig yeah, return of the fly

if you're gonna scream, scream with me moments like this never last when do creatures rape your face hybrids opened up the door ooh baby when you cry your face is momentary you hide your looks behind these scars in hybrid moments give me a moment give me a moment give me a moment ooh baby when you cry your face is momentary you hide your looks behind these scars in hybrid moments in hybrid moments in hybrid moments in hybrid moments give me a moment give me a moment

WE ARE 138
we are 138, we are 138, we are 138 we are 138, we are 138, we are 138we are 138, we are 138in the eyes of tiger do you think we're robot clean does this face look almost mean is it time to be an android not a man the pleasantries are gone we're stripped of all we were in the eyes of tiger we are 138, we are 138, we are 138we are 138, we are 138, we are 138 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 88, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

we land in barren fields on the arizona plains the insemination of little girls in the middle of wet dreams we are the angel mutants the streets for us seduction our cause unjust and ancient in this "b" film born invasion teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care well, we've seen your 3-d movies in violent abduction we blast your mindless structure inferior connection we take your weak resistance throw it in your face we need no introduction for mass annihilation teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care well, we need no introduction no visas or carte blanche in human reproduction we're here for what we want we want, we need it, we'll take it we want, we need it, we'll take it we want, we need it, we'll take it we want, we need it, we'll take it, baby teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care teenagers from mars and we don't care and we don't care and we don't care, we don't care we don't care, and we don't care and we don't care

come back little raven and bite my face i've been waiting, endless waiting come back and bite my face come back little raven, descend your home this is not then, it is not now come back, descend your throne i think you realize what i've done well, on a corner slept my horrible corpse i'm not alive for anyone i think you realize what i've done you gotta come back you gotta come back you gotta come back you gotta come back come back little raven, here by my face i've been waiting, endless waiting come back and bite my face i think you realize what i've done we're on the corner, slashed my heart for fun i'm not alive for anyone i think you realize what i've done you gotta come back you gotta come back you gotta come back you gotta come back you gotta come back, come back, well, come back right back to me you gotta come back, come back, come on back right back to me you gotta come back, come back, come on back right back to me you gotta come back, come back, come on back right back to me, yeah

little angelfuck it's a shame that luck is the only thing did you like the fun did you like the times that i promised you open wounds on your brow little angel in red she isn't loving you anymore little angelfuck i see you going down on a fireplug little angelfuck size for everyone let those bastards believe dry your eyes and we'll leave she isn't loving you anymore little angel fuck i see you going down on a fireplug oh, little angelfuck size for everyone let those bastards believe dry your eyes and we'll leave she isn't loving you anymore

who came along for the ride hey, you can't come inside do the citizens kneel for sex it's heaven cumming on her chest hollywood babylon hollywood babylon flesh ancient monster design unlit pornographic sign where did they come from tonight who came along for the ride hollywood babylon hollywood babylon who came along for the ride hey you, you can't come inside when do the citizens kneel for sex it's heaven cumming on her chest hollywood babylon hollywood babylon hollywood babylon hollywood babylon

attitude, you got some fucking attitude i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore if you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor attitude, the one you got, oh baby attitude, the one you got, oh baby attitude, attitude inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore if you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor attitude, you got some fucking attitude (attitude) i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude attitude, you got some fucking attitude (attitude) i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude

president's bullet-ridden body in the street ride, johnny ride kennedy's shattered head hits concrete ride, johnny ride johnny's wife is floundering johnny's wife is scared run, jackie run texas is an outrage when your husband is dead texas is an outrage when they pick up his head texas is the reason that the president's dead you gotta suck, suck, jackie suck president's bullet-ridden body in the street ride, johnny ride kennedy's shattered head hits concrete ride, johnny ride texas is an outrage when your husband is dead texas is an outrage when they pick up his head texas is the reason that the president's dead you gotta suck, suck, jackie suck arise jackie o, jonathon of kennedy well, arise and be shot down the dirt's gonna be your dessert my cum be your life source and the only way to get it is to suck or fuck or be poor and devoid and masturbate me, masturbate me then slurp it from your palm like a dry desert soaking up rain soaking up sun like a dry desert soaking up rain soaking up sun

dry drunk on a corner wet waste of a girl theme for a jackal play you a death-song you probably listen stand idly by as they rape your children like you do now in fact you showed them how all thoughts are in place all deeds are complete play, theme for a jackal play die sweet prince meat tastes like mince the jackal's eaten enough for today die sweet prince meat tastes like shit enough to make that jackal spit spit jackal spit spit and choke on the lives you've taken you can't shake them loose all morsels are gone, they're too small accessible from a source so tall little sister all of my love bitch bitch, she is cut her from the inside out dead daughter in the river entrance gained by her liver play, theme for a jackal play they play you a death-song you probably listen stand idly by as they rape your children like you do now in fact you showed them how play, theme for a jackal play play, theme for a jackal play

she walked out with empty arms machine gun in her hand she is good and she is bad no one understands she walked in in silence never spoke a word she's got a rich daddy she's her daddy's girl she loves naked sin he loves evil sex she has lost control they are growing old she will hide in silence then her day will come she was virgin vixen she is on the run she is on the run she is on the run

this isn't really sex, this isn't really life this isn't really anything i think i like and i will not sit on broken glass not for you or anyone i will not cut my ass we have no reasons but we still have fun down on the floor, baby, whisper my name yeah, when you rip my back to shreds i'll dig my boots into the soft remains of your spine i wanna savage your spinal remains i wanna savage baby, your spinal remains in chains this isn't really sex, this isn't really life this isn't really anything i think i like and i will not sit on broken glass not for you or anyone i will not cut my fucking ass i wanna savage baby, your spinal remains i wanna savage baby, your spinal remains they're making you change i said woah woah oh, woah oh

Light in the doorway shining so bright in the doorway i clench your hips for the flesh you tore my prose in the doorway animal lie like the doorway as you hide hear it then will you let me inlet me in oh in the doorway we were so young in the doorway release the black dogs on our breasts we'll never rest we'll never rest we'll never forget i ain't never gonna let you rest oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


Inviato: 14/10/2005, 18:18
da DevilMaster

1995 - Caroline Records

1.We are 138
4.Last caress
5.Return of the fly
6.Children in heat
7.Rat fink
8.Horror Hotel
10.Halloween II
11.Hate breeders
13.Nike A go go
14.Devil's Whorehouse
15.Mephisto Waltz
16.We bite
17.Queen wasp

WE ARE 138
we are 138, we are 138, we are 138 we are 138, we are 138, we are 138we are 138, we are 138in the eyes of tiger do you think we're robot clean does this face look almost mean is it time to be an android not a man the pleasantries are gone we're stripped of all we were in the eyes of tiger we are 138, we are 138, we are 138we are 138, we are 138, we are 138 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 88, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

attitude, you got some fucking attitude i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore if you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor attitude, the one you got, oh baby attitude, the one you got, oh baby attitude, attitude inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore if you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor attitude, you got some fucking attitude (attitude) i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude attitude, you got some fucking attitude (attitude) i can't believe what you say to me you got some attitude

this street we walk upon this corner full of piss and fear this street won't bear it long it slants, it tilts, it's brought outside alive cover your face when you walk by drench your visions in darkness spit up blood when you cough cool, cool, cool cough, cool, cool, cool we dine on visions with new eyes creep, creep, creep, creep we cut our visions with two eyes cool, cool, cool, cool this street we walk upon this corner full of fear this street we walk upon this corner full of piss and fear

i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead well i got something to say i raped your mother today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as she spread sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress go sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death, one last caress well, i got something to say i killed your baby today and it doesn't matter much to me as long as it's dead sweet lovely death i am waiting for your breath come sweet death one last caress one last caress, sweet death one last caress, sweet death oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

return of the fly return of the fly with vincent price yeah, return of the fly helen delambre, helen delambre francois, francois return of the fly you guinea pig human hands and feet yeah, you guinea pig helen delambre, helen delambre francois, francois cecile, cecile cecile, cecile the return of the fly with vincent price you guinea pig yeah, return of the fly return of the fly with vincent price you guinea pig yeah, return of the fly

children in heat they have no conscience no resistance you gotta see this big reaction no resistance cellophane sex, a new way of life with your heart in your throat and the other alive you've been pissin', pissin' blood pissin' blood for seven days no resistance no resistance no resistance children in heat you can't control them why they're away and away they're always gonna run away children in heat you can't control them why they're running away children in heat are young little kindle wood i see them burning they all changed their names to chicago no resistance no resistance no resistance children in heat you can't control them why they're running away children in heat you can't control them why they're running away and away they're always gonna run away children in heat you can't control them why they're running away and away they're always gonna run away children in heat you can't control them why they're running away

f, i said f if i n, f i n k fink f i n k, fink, fink, fink r, i said r ar a t, r a t t rat, r a t t f i n k rat fink, rat fink rat fink, rat fink rat fink, r a t t f i n k fink rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, oh r a t t f i n k rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rat fink (r a t t oh) r a t t f i n k, r a t t f i n k, r a t t f i n k, rat, oh, oh, woah

check into horror hotel this place is creepy and it's somber too and a little vampira wrapped on my neck, said say something, say something you wanna start something with me well, take it up to room 21 where all the creatures gonna have their fun and underworld dangers and underworld scum take it up to room 21 and down the hall with my vampire girlfriend say something, say something you wanna start something with me, here at horror hotel, horror hotel horror hotel, horror hotel it's up to me gather round the place of the demon whore and my girl in room 21well, underworld dangers and underworld scum take it up to room 21down the hall with my vampire girlfriend say something, say something you wanna start something with me here at horror hotel, horror hotel horror hotel, horror hotel it's up to me when it comes down to necking with girls horror hotel, horror hotel horror hotel, horror hotel it's up to me

bonfires burning bright pumpkin faces in the night i remember halloween dead cats hanging from poles little dead are out in droves i remember halloween brown leafed vertigo where skeletal life is known i remember halloween this day anything goes burning bodies hanging from poles i remember halloween halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween candy apples and razor blades little dead are soon in graves i remember halloween this day anything goes burning bodies hanging from poles i remember halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween

formulae ueteres exorsismorum et excommunicationum strigas et fictos lupos credere daemon pellem lupinamin trunco quodam cauae arboris occultandum halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween metamorphoses lycanthropie possunt inquam metamorphoses lycanthropie possunt inquam halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween [the above is nonstandard latin. translation: "ancient formulas of exorcisms and excommunications that witches and those made wolves believe i maim now the demon clothed in wolfskin having to hide in the hollow of a tree i believe that they so can be changed."]

whoa oh oh no whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh brain invasion goin' on in everyone you feel the things that make a world turn angry red because the next time you can't take it next thought murder lation and hate is all you wanna know whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh murder one inborn into your every cell it's in your blood and you can't shake it because you were bred to take it next stop annihilation they bred the hate right in your bones whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh because you were bred to take it next stop annihilation they bred the hate right in your fuckin' bones whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh hate is your mistress and you shall not want you shall not want because your breed is strong because when they try to break you new world desolation and strength is all you gotta know whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh and all you know hate breeders whoa oh oh and all you know hate breeders whoa oh oh

hey hey hey brains for dinner brains for lunch brains for breakfast brains for brunch brains at every single meal why can't we have some guts hey hey hey rains are all we ever get in this rotten fuckin' place, hey hey brains are all we ever get why can't we have a change of pace brains for dinner brains for lunch brains for breakfast brains for brunch brains at every single meal why can't we have some guts, hey hey why can't we have some guts, hey hey why can't we have some fuckin' rotten guts hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

go it's a missile girl in a missile world human tongue feels aluminum-plate it's a missile boy oh oh oh oh oh death machine and man in love oh oh oh oh oh tracking system checks out pulse, all systems go go go go go go rocket-blast fury with a manual sex-drive go go go go go it's a missile girl with a long white face a missile girl, well nike is her name you remember it oh oh oh oh oh deadlier than any girl on any world oh oh oh oh oh nike be good nike be everything woman's not a go go go go go nike take my life along with yours a go go go go go it's a missile girl with a long white face it's a missile girl, well nike is the name remember it go go nike take my life along with yours go go go go go there i go and it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's over there i go and then it's a go go, a go go there i go and then it's a go go, a go go there i go and then it's a go go, a go go there i go and then it's a go go, a go go there i go and then it's over

she works at the devil's whorehouse she loves carnality in her human pit of love entrance into heresy, well when i sin, i sin real good when i sin, i sin for sure come on up to the devil's whorehouse intimate hell of a demon slut, well angels take their time in falling come alive in the house that screams when i sin, i sin real good when i sin, i sin for sure come alive in the house that screams come alive in the house that screams this is the devil's whorehouse night time for beating backs, well said this is the devil's whorehouse night time for midnight masses when i sin, i sin real good when i sin, i sin for sure come alive in the house that screams come alive in the house that screams when i sin, i sin real good when i sin, i sin for sure when i sin, i sin real good when i sin, i sin for sure

waltz, the pagan master waltz, his evil shines waltz, to the devil's depot waltz, it's gonna be so great woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh go waltz, into the darkest feeling waltz, without a blink i go waltz, to the devil's ballet waltz, to mephisto waltz, the devil's dance waltz, and in twilight gray waltz, darkness grows much faster waltz, it's gonna be so great woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh go waltz, the pagan master waltz, his evil shines waltz, to the devil's depot waltz, it's gonna be so great woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh oh go, go, go, go woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh go woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh come on waltz waltz waltz waltz

1, 2, 3, 4 we walk the streets, i'm out to get you we bite just a feast of gore and blood we bite carnivores live for pleasure we bite strike out like a wolf's endeavor we bite and when i get your blood i rip your throat your blood i rip your throat i want your blood, i rip your throat to drink some blood we bite, we bite, we bite, we bite and when i get your blood i rip your throat your blood i rip your throat i want your blood, i rip your throat to drink some blood we bite, we bite and when i get your blood i rip your throat your blood i rip your throat i want your blood, i rip your throat to drink some blood we bite, we bite, we bite, we bite

go, go, go, go vampire girl gonna strike to kill gonna kiss your vertebrae with the kiss of poisoned love well, i'm a king and you're a queen queen wasp go dive in warrior wasps queen wasp go go, go, go, go human-looking from the thorax up human stomach and a tiny waist my god we're living the life of my god we're wasting what i hold queen wasp go dive in warrior wasps queen wasp go gotta want to see it, baby put the stinger in your back, baby hot stinger in burning, baby human arms and a head of your love think nothing about eating your love think nothing, i'm a king and you're a queen queen wasp go dive in warrior wasps queen wasp go go, go, go, go go, go, go, go go, go, go, go

look upon me i am the beast demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my father was a wolf demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my mother was a whore you check and see reality of the wolf it's in the blood i wanna be the fucking savior humans are weak what else you fucking do humans are weak i want your blood demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my father was a wolf demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my mother was a whore demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my mother was a whore demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my father was a wolf

got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna tear right through got a hellhound born a hellhound born to the pack got a hellhound dog and i know that i might be dead those who seek it out those who stand a few hell, hell of satan's pack we are born of hate both feet into hell take another step towards the bleeding light those who seek it out those who stand a few we are a part of it got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna tear right through got a hellhound born a hellhound born to the pack got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog got a hellhound born

when they pull out her tongue pull off her face, pluck out her eyes well, the blood runs cold for when it drips from the mouth be forewarned, be prepared for a grizzly bloodfeast and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it when you think of severed heads think of my face, think that you're alive well, i guess i fooled you when you think of my face think of your blood, think that you're dead 'cause it's a grizzly bloodfeast i'm possessing your death possessing your blood possessing your head 'cause it's a privileged bloodfeast i'm possessing your heart possessing your tongue possessing your blood 'cause it just won't fake you and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it and that blood, and that blood i'm possessing your death possessing your blood possessing your demise for a grizzly bloodfeast i'm possessing your heart possessing your tongue possessing your blood 'cause it just won't fake you and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it and that blood's so real because i just can't fake it and that blood, and that blood